Today we read about the difference between Work and Power and we also watch the two corresponding Brainpop.com videos

After our reading and videos students were given the option to create a song or draw a cartoon to show what they learned about work and power.


Inclined Plane Lab - 36 &  37

Today we completed a lab over inclined planes.  The students were trying to decide if the height of a ramp affects the distance a car will travel. 

Students were given 1 matchbox car, 1 board (ramp), 3 textbooks, and a tape measure. 

They had to build a ramp with 1 book and test the ramp three times.  Then they constructed a ramp with 2 books and tested it three times.  Finally they constructed a ramp with 3 books and tested it three times.  Each time recording their data.

As an analysis of their data I let them choose if they wanted to graph the average distance traveled for each of the different ramp heights or if they wanted to graph the farthest trial for each height.

As a conclusion I had them answer the following three questions below their graph.
1. At which height did the car travel the farthest?
2. What force was acting on the car in each trial?
3. What force caused the object to stop?


Forces Gizmo : page 35

Today we completed a Gizmo called Force and Fan cars.  Before we started the gizmo I has students answer the two warm-up questions on the front of their assignment.

As a class we completed the Gizmo and filled in the appropriate information.  I have placed this Gizmo in their class on www.explorelearning.com and they are encouraged to revisit it and try different combinations of speed and weight.

Forces Haiku : page 34

After discussing forces for the past few days I asked the kids to write me a haiku over the topic.  To help them out I had them write down the rules for a haiku and then gave them an example of one. 


Forces Foldable : page 33

Today I introduced forces and we discussed how forces are a push or a pull on an object.  Then we discussed three specific forces as you can see illiustrated on our foldable we created.

Underneath each of the words we describe what type of force it was.

Forces Tree Map : page 32

Students were then asked to create a tree map of different examples of the three forces we talked about.


Mass vs. Weight Gizmo & Notes

Today we completed the Mass & Weight Gizmo.  Since we couldn't make it into the computer lab students took turns coming up to my desk to manipulate the gizmo. 

This gizmo is avaliable to them at www.explorelearning.com.  They are encouraged to explore it on their own. 

After completing the gizmo as a whole group.  We created a t-chart on the front and wrote down some notes about the difference between mass and weight.

I also shared the following video with them.

Mass & Weight Double Bubble

For homework students were asked to create a double bubble comparing mass and weight. 

This really made them think because we had just watched a video that said Mass & Weight are NOT the same!


Density Column Lab - page 28 & 29

Today we built a density column to illustrate the property of density and buoyancy

The students were required to copy down the materials, procedure and their data table. 

Before we start each students picked up one paper clip, one plastic bead, one toothpick, one button, and one pom pom.  When they got back to their desk they had to predition if the item would sink or float in water.

After building the density bottles students were required to illustrate their density column by including all of the items we dropped into the bottles.  They also had to make sure to label all objects and liquid layers. 

Then to finish the activity they had 3 conclusion questions that had to be answered.


Density Gizmo : page 26

To start off our Density unit we completed a Density Gizmo as a whole group.  Through the gizmo we were able to test if objects would sink or float in different liquids.

Density Notes : page 27

After completing the Gizmo we took a few notes in our science journals about density and made sure to include the following rules

1. If mass > volume = sink
2. If mass < volume = float

Density Probe : page 26

The following day I had the students answer the following density probe.  This allowed them to apply what they learned abou density to another situation.


Mixtures and Solutions : Page 25

Today we took notes over the differences between mixtures and solutions.  To make this lesson more fun we made a mixture of gold fish, pretzels, and fruit loops.  We also created a solution using individual crystal light packets and bottles of water.  Students should have illustrated their mixtures and solutions at the bottom of the page.

Messing with Mixtures : Page 24

Students were given a sheet with 8 pictures on it and sentence strip.  They had to create 8 flaps using the pictures and decide if each picture was a mixture or a solution.  Underneath each picture they had to tell me how they would seperate the mixture or solution (is seperating the solution was not possible they were allowed to get creative).


Physical & Chemical Changes Foldable : Page 23

Today we talked about the differences between Physical & Chemical changes and review the difference between Physical & Chemical Properties.

We watched the a video from Scholastic.com Study Jams

We used the following poem to help us remember that Physical Changes do not make a new substance

A Physical Change
Changes how things look,
Like tearing a page in a book,
or freezing a liquid,
like water to ice,
or painting a house to make it look nice

Then we wrote the following poem to help us remember that Chemical Changes do make a new substance

A Chemical Change
has come to pass,
if you see a new solid, liquid or gas.
The color may chang
or the energy too
A chemical change makes something new.

Physical & Chemical Changes Sort : Page 22 

After making the foldable and watching the video students did a card sort for physical and chemical changes.

Then we did a mini activity.  In one bag we combined baking soda and vinegar and discovered that we had a chemical reaction that resulted in turing our substances cooler.  In another bag we combined calcium chloride and water and discovered that we had a chemical reaction that resulted in turing our substances warmer.


States of Matter Foldable : Page 21

Today we created a foldable and discussed what happens to the different states of matter when you add or remove heat.

Inside the foldable we wrote what new state of matter we would change to, we definded that state of matter and drew a picture of what the molecules would look like in that state.

States of Matter Fill-In & Tree Map : Page 20

After creating our foldable we watched a brain pop video over the states of matter and the students completed this fill in activity.

After the video students folded their fill-in in half and glued it into their notebooks.  On the outside cover they created a tree map where they listed examples of the different states of matter.